Be part of a team.

Looking for a place to get involved and serve?  Then iTeams are for you. These groups consist of students who are passionate about the gifts God has given them and are serving in them. This list may not be comprehensive. 

This team helps to keep our facilities in a presentable manner for students. They are vital to providing a welcoming environment to hang out, study, and enjoy!

This team helps to transport and run all of our gear for our weekly worship service and events. 

This team is responsible for our social media accounts, creating graphics, photography, and aids our audio team in production.

This team is over outreach to the freshman class as well as organizing Freshman Friday events. 

This team makes sure that people feel welcome as soon as they arrive at an event. They greet people, give out food, and manage all information tables.

This team organizes events happening within the ministry. 

This team organizes sporting events like dodgeball, soccer, etc. Some will be held in the Charles Tillman Arena behind our Café.

For Thursday Night Live, we have a live band consisting of student musicians and singers. This team aids our audio team with setup and leads us into worship every week.

This team aids with outreach to international students through our XAi ministry.